Assassin's Creed for iPhone demo impressions

The first thing you are greated to is a cg cinematic when you play the regular version of Assassin’s Creed. When you load the iPhone version you are greeted to a movie of the regular version’s gameplay. Right down to targetting cursors appearing on characters running around the screen.

The gameplay itself is solid; the biggest hurdle is the virtual joystick. Either you will be able to deal with it or it will break the game for you. Try the newly launched demo/free version to test this.

Otherwise it is a nice looking platformer (for a phone game). Though, I did notice my battery drop pretty quick while testing out the demo.

I finally beat: Assassin's Creed


I finally beat: Assassin’s Creed

This was a flagship, high profile game; it was met with mixed reviews. This has confused a lot of people, and caused those people to start defending one perspective or the other. I would like to address some of the common things I’ve seen, and some aspects that no one seems to discuss. Continue reading