Awesome board game

XBLive Board Game

Awesome board game

This is pretty sweet. I wonder how they will get the achievements tied to my live account? Perhaps it’s like the Halo 3 extras dvd, that is actually a game.

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pLayday: 2/25 – Halo 3

Halo Rocket

pLayday: 2/25 – Halo 3

I hear Halo 3 has been patched. So I throw the disc in. Lo and behold, the first patch for Halo 3 is upon us. And from the servers descended thy AutoUpdate 1, patching ye Halo 3 to version 1 point 1. As it is written:

“omg, did j00 fixz melee, bungholes?”

“Yes. We have patched Halo to 1 point 1. Now Melee damage will no longer favor the advantaged over the disadvantaged, the strong over the weak. Now they will both perish in a flurry of fists if they are of almost equal skill and health. So, shutup n00bs.”

And the peasants rejoiced.

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