Gears 2 DLC, the complete collection, now available

The new Gears 2 DLC comes in two flavors: 7 new maps (featuring some classic remakes) and a deleted bonus scene single-player level for $15, or all that *PLUS* all previous DLC (19 multiplayer maps total) for $20.

This is a good chance to bring together the multiplayer community.  For $20 you can get everything and be up to date with everyone else.

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We are all going to buy GTA IV

The GTA IV Special edition bundle

We are all going to buy GTA IV

That’s right. We don’t have a lot of info on the included multiplayer of GTA IV, but we all know we are going to buy it anyway. I propose this be one of the games we all get for pLayday, as it is potentially (rumored) to have 16 player multiplayer. Does anyone think they won’t end up with this game within a week of launch?