Capnjiffy reviews The Exiles



Exiles was a Marvel release which ran for at least 100 issues, yet in many ways had little impact on the less of the Marvel universe. Essentially it was a combination of the old Marvel What If? stories and the Excalibur v.1 story, the Cross-Time Caper. The Exiles are grouped by an entity called the Timebroker (or so they are told) and are comprised of various characters both new and old, often from various Earths.

There is not always much to do with Earth-616 (the regular Marvel universe), but this can be a good thing. Too often comics from DC & Marvel try to put their particular character or team at the center of everything which is going on; this can get tiresome. Exiles started a few years back so most of it is free from the non-stop tie-ins like House of M, Civil War, Annihilation Saga, and Secret Invasion in just the past few years. Continue reading

I finally read Y: The Last Man

In a world with one man, the best comedian is still a man.

In a world with one man, the best comedian is still a man.

Brief introduction: I am Ben, oft-known as Pickett. If you know Aaron there is a high percentage chance you already know me as the cranky asshole who whines a lot and is not very good at video games. Ergo, I will mostly restrict my writing to comic book and television show-related topics.

As a bonus gift for reading, please download this fan-translated ROM of Mother 3, aka Earthbound 2. Available for your GBA emulators.

Get your Mother on!
And yes, you can still name your favorite food.

Brian K. Vaughan is an excellent comic writer. His Mystique stand-alone series is one of my favorite comics overall, including the non-superhero stuff. It helps to have some familiarity with X-Men, but it’s not necessary. Of course, X-Men knowledge is helpful in all facets of everyday life, when push comes to shove, as people say. In any case, outside of the author, that has little to do with Y: The Last Man.

The number one drawback to Y is that it’s very difficult to talk about audibly, as the phrase Y: The Last Man can be confusing to someone who isn’t familiar with it. Honestly, that is probably the worst thing. (It’s pretty annoying)! Also I have been asked to keep this spoiler-free to appease The Aaron, so I will do my best.

The basic premise of Y is simple enough. Except for plants, everything with a Y chromosome on the planet earth dies. The lone survivors are Yorick Brown and his pet monkey Ampersand. The letter Y itself is a pervasive symbol throughout and it can be viewed as gimmicky or thought-provoking. In any case, that is the story. What would it be like to be The Last Man on Earth? Continue reading

chatting: it's what i do!

Phokal: you should start saving money
capnjiffy: I AM
Phokal: lol
capnjiffy: tell it to the student loans
capnjiffy: also i’ve been going out too much
Phokal: tsk tsk
capnjiffy: booze isn’t going to drink itself, aaron
Phokal: i’ve always told you, you’re way too social
capnjiffy: yeah i hear that all the time
Phokal: that jiffy, and always making friends
capnjiffy: it’s what i do! it’s who i am!
Phokal: i’m telling you, it’s a real problem. seriously cutting into your asocial videogame player.
capnjiffy: it was weird as hell though friday i went out ad met literally a dozen people i already knew
Phokal: fallout 3 isn’t going to play 300hrs itself!