pLayday: 2/5 – Undertow


pLayday: 2/5 – Undertow

Real quick post because I was too busy this weekend (and forgot).

The game is Undertow. We all own it. Let’s try it out. If we get bored we can easily switch back over to Halo or another game, depending on who is able to make it tonight.

I would also like to remind that pLayday is only an hour, technically. Think of it as watching a TV show from 8-9pm. There is no commitment (period), but especially none for showing up early, or continuing to play for a full on gaming session of 2+ hours. Hell, if you can only make it for half an hour, that is encouraged.

So, let’s get to trying out this compensation for xblive downtime. If you haven’t played the campaign, I recommend it as a fun split-screen co-op game.

Organizing pLayday

Red Team

Organizing pLayday

I want to organize a day of the week where we all attempt to get online Xb Live and play a game. Instead of leaving it to chance, we make an effort to log on a particular day and play together in a game we all have.

I can even post ideas for the game here ahead of time (map or gametype preferences can be expressed in comments).

I have been gathering potential days from everyone, and so far the best day looks like Tuesday.