I finally watched: National Treasure 2 – The Book of Secrets


I finally watched: National Treasure 2 – The Book of Secrets

I saw a movie recently. It was still in theaters. In fact, it is even new. It’s a shame I didn’t like it more.

As an average popcorn flick, it doesn’t deviate from the expected formula; it does not star Humans in a movie about Aliens vs. Predators. But it also does not try hard enough to make that formula interesting. The clues found are not nearly as interesting. The Book of Secrets is hardly featured, and not even mentioned for a large chunk of the film. I forgot it was even part of the movie until about halfway through.

If you liked National Treasure 1, you will probably be a little disappointed in the sequel. If you didn’t, this one does not do anything to change your mind.

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