G.I. Joe – You need to weaponize these warheads

The new G.I Joe movie is not good. But isn’t bad, either. There is as much plot as you would expect. There’s a base and it gets attacked. There are explosions. Lots of “Duke!” and “Ripcord!”, gunfire, ninja fighting, missiles, and chases.

There’s lots of fanservice. Favorite characters are here, as are a lot of vehicles.
Of course, there is a lot to criticize. There is a lot of stupidity you have to forgive. If you thought Die Hard 4 had hard-to-believe plot, then G.I. Joe will rub you the wrong way.
“We need you to weaponize the warhead.”
“What’s Scottish for ‘fire’?”

It’s not a movie I’d tell someone to go to, but if you wanted to see it I wouldn’t let other opinions stop you.

Hideo Kojima – Everyone said he should

For those that don’t know:


I finally watched: Quantum of Solace


Quantum is a cross between a classic Bond film and a Bourne film. It has improbable enemy stations, moments of comedy and seduction, mixed with a shakey cam, lots of close quarter combat, and stunts. It is not as good as Casino Royale, but it isn’t a bad Bond film. It is just living under a large shadow.

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Hulk Review SMASH Hulk film! I saw the …

Hulk Review SMASH Hulk film!
I saw the Hulk (more on that later), but here is a pretty humorous review done entirely in Hulk-speak.


I Have Seen: Speed Racer

I Have Seen: Speed Racer

Speed Racer has gotten a bad rap. Sure, it’s not for everyone, but if you go into the movie with certain expectations, then you might find, as I did, a very satisfying experience. With that, here are my top four reasons why you should watch Speed Racer.

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Invasion of the Moon Nazis

Invasion of the Moon Nazis

New movie from Finland called Iron Sky. Two words: Space Nazis.

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I finally watched: Iron Man

They are just flight stabalizers

I finally watched: Iron Man

Iron Man is not the most popular comic character in the comic world. Non-comic fans are not very familiar with him, if at all. Comic fans don’t like him from his actions during the Civil War and World War Hulk saga (and probably the upcoming Skrull saga). He’s made an appearance in Xmen Legends 2 as a secret, unlockable character but that would hardly bring people into the movies. So what is it that has people enjoying Iron Man so much? How is it getting such popular reviews?

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Title Announced for new X-Files movie: "X-Files: Mystery of the Jumping Sharks"

Shark Jumping is cool

Title Announced for new X-Files movie: “X-Files: Mystery of the Jumping Sharks”

Well, it is becoming a bit more real:


The X-Files is coming back. This used to be one of my favorite shows. After 5-6 seasons (around the time of the movie), they stopped doing clever stand-alone shows and started to focus on the Conspiracy. The alien storyline was done well originally when it was not every episode, which made the individual black oil episodes more interesting. Once that became the central plot-line of the show, connecting each episode to the next, the plot began to, ironically, fall apart.

I never saw the end of the series. Couldn’t bring myself to watch the Terminator-guy do his thing. He wasn’t bad. But after 9 years how skeptical can you still be? As the audience, you damn well KNOW something is odd. The show had to start making REAL explanations (“the ink in the tattoo caused you to hallucinate”) to be the twists.

Will I go see the movie? Probably. But first I’ll have to read up on how everything ended in the TV show.

Apparently: It didn’t.

I finally watched: National Treasure 2 – The Book of Secrets


I finally watched: National Treasure 2 – The Book of Secrets

I saw a movie recently. It was still in theaters. In fact, it is even new. It’s a shame I didn’t like it more.

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