Get hyped for: Monday Night Combat

Monday Night Combat is a new Xbox Live Arcade title coming out in the near future.  It plays like a cross between Defense of the Ancients and Team Fortress.  A more detailed description would be a 3rd person shooter, where you control 1 of a few teammate “heroes.”  During the combat, large waves of robots spawn in each team’s base and march to the center, where without intervention they will meet halfway and come to a standstill.  It is up to each team’s heroes to push their team’s army of robots further and further into the enemy base, where they can be used to destroy it.  It plays out like a Tower Defense game, if you were controlling the mobs, and the towers placed throughout the map are your enemies.

Monday Night Combat looks like it will support modes for 4 on 4, split screen, and a 2 on 2 mode.  Demo to be available (as with all XBLA titles) when it is released.

Check out this trailer:

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