Some free XBLA titles came out today

Everyone likes free. So go grab add these to your queue using the handy web interface.  They look like some fun party games.

Doritos Crash Course

Harms Way

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In the demo watch an Old Lady. In the full version she may die.


The Graveyard is a somewhat misunderstood game.  Anyone looking for something that would be fun at a party, look elsewhere. Anyone who doesn’t like the idea of games as art, this won’t change your mind.

This is an interactive medium to show the story of this old lady’s visit to a local graveyard. In black and white. Available for free, today only. PC and Mac.

Best played pretending you are standing at a kiosk in an art museum.

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Free Halo ODST Premium Theme

Look what ckonze found over at Cheapassgamer: a Halo ODST premium theme for the xbox 360.  Currently marked as Free for gold members.  I’d recommend logging in and adding it to your download queue in case a price is added later.

Though, in reality, most if not all of these Premium Themes should be free.  And the bottom part of the interface should be optionally transparent to allow for more custom themes and wallpapers.

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Free Half-life 2 Deathmatch

There is one negative of steam:  Individual packages can be cut up even further.

When Half-life 1 launched: any mod of it was freely available.  Now: TFC and Counter-strike are considered separate packages.  Half-life 2’s Deathmatch is actually a separate component from HL2, and was not included with Orange Box.

However, owners of Nvidia or ATI graphics cards can download HL2’s deathmatch (and Lost Coast) for free.

Thanks, Cheapassgamer

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Lemmings – Free and Browser based


Awesome find by Ethan: a free browser based recreation of Lemmings.

Go at it!

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