A new Batman game to be excited about


My copy of Batman: Arkham Asylum just shipped.  I highly recommend checking this game out (demos are available).


Xbox 360

PS3 (go log in on PSN)

I had a ton of fun playing through the demo a couple of times.  Stealth felt rewarding, combat brutal, and had a good overall presentation.

And if you think the final screen from the NES Batman game has been photoshopped, you’d be right.  But it’s not that far off.

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Go Play Trine with a Demo on PC

Seriously.  Go try this out.  Currently out for PC, but will be available on XBLA later (and I think PSN?).

Thanks, Evil Avatar and ActionTrip

Get hyped for: Mirror's Edge


Alright, go get the demo for Mirror’s Edge and give it a shot.

I’m not saying you need to buy this game right away.  With all of the other games coming out, and the fact this is published by EA, means it will probably be on sale within a couple months (by the time you’d have time to play it anyway).

What I am saying is, it is good enough that you may be considering getting it now anyway.  That it’s good enough to go to the top of the queue, even if logic dictates it shouldn’t.

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