Trine still coming to PSN and 360

A while ago, I mentioned how good Trine looks.  The PC version came out at $30 and only supports hotseat coop.  So I waited for the PS3 or Xbox versions to be available only to find them delayed.  Then, no mention of the 360 version at all.

It’s still coming, perhaps a bit later than the PSN version (which is currently in Q&A).  I played the PC demo single player and was impressed.  Coop is probably even more enjoyable.

Six games that everyone should play, and can.

Here is an article I ran across awhile back.  It picks out 6 retro games that can run on nearly any PC (or even emulated on Linux or Mac).  Just about every title here is a classic.

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Who crunches numbers better? PC, Mac, PS3?

Number Munchers

Who crunches numbers better? PC, Mac, PS3?

PC running as a hackintosh, PS3 running a linux variant (unbuntu, or yellowdog?), and the mac running whatever the newest version is, because Steve Jobs told you these new features are needed.


So, I’m looking for the best workstation style flops/$ for parallel computing. Any suggestions? 8 cores good, 16 better. I was thinking of going with a Mac Pro for $2800. 8×2.8 GHz Harpertown cores & 2 GB ECC RAM. Student discount takes off another 10-20%.


Hello Mr Seth,Have you thought about getting a ps3 for your project? The PS3 has about 200 gflop from the cpu PlayStation 3’s Cell CPU achieves 204 GFLOPS single precision float, maybe 15 for double precision, while a 8 core is around 50 gflop.

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