Crayon Physics Deluxe costs $X! Where X is your imagination.

Crayon Physics Deluxe is having one of those “pay me whatever” sales.  Pay any amount (.01 or $100 million), and you get the game.


It retails for $20 normally (and on steam).  I paid $20 at launch and, while I haven’t beaten it, think it’s a blast to play around with.

If you have a tablet (PC or pad), then this is a must.  Works well with a mouse, too.

To avoid him losing money on this sale, you should probably pay at least $2. I’d recommend $5. I can’t imagine feeling ripped off at $5, even if you find you don’t like the game.  And hell, there’s a demo. Give it a try!

Only thing I’d say: back up your saved games to a shared folder.  I keep loading this game on people’s computers to show it off, and each time I have to start at level 1.

At least watch the video on the main page. Or this one:

Xbox Deal of the Week: Braid


Perhaps due to Steam’s recent success (as noted in Boramis’ post), Microsoft is also implementing a weekly sale.  And they kick it off well.

Braid is going for the more classic 800 point price point.  This game was easily worth the initial $15, so $10 is a steal.  Pick up one of the best games of last year (next to Left 4 Dead as Game of the Year), and probably one of the best all time (pun intended).  Soon to be available on PC as well.

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Left 4 Dead Sale extended.

I intended to post about this earlier this weekend, but ended up just telling specific people.  Now that it’s extended, I guess it’s time for an overall announcement.

Left 4 Dead is one of the best multiplayer games.  It is fun with any number of players, from 2-8.  The PC version will have Mod support coming this Spring/Summer and is currently on sale for $25.

Quick Review

Since this game will probably not drop below $20 for at least a couple years, this is about as cheap as you would ever be able to get it.  If you intend to own a PC capable of playing this game in the next 1-2 years (which, should be everyone assuming a 4 year turnaround on computers running an OS that isn’t linux), then you have little reason not to pick this up.

Unless you hate fun.  Or don’t have $25.

APC UPS on sale


An apparently, recently discontinued UPS on sale at Circuit City.  Perhaps they are clearing them out?

Thanks, Cheapassgamer

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GoGamer Sale – PoP for $44

prince-of-persia-sale is having a sale in a few hours (6pm PST?).  One of the games mentioned is Prince of Persia for $44.  They also have a few Import/International (I) games as well, which work on US machines in most cases.

Thanks, Evil Avatar

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go buy: Audiosurf – $5

The basics: you drive around a track collecting gems into columns or rows of 3, and then scoring.  The cool aspect?  These tracks are dynamically created visualizations of any song you want.

Rough two-player co-op (one person uses mouse to control, one uses keyboard) also available.

Certainly worth it as the price of a McD’s meal.

Available through Steam.  Sale ends sometime today.  Possibly with the Heavy Update/Free TF2 weekend at 3pm CST.

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Orange Box for the PC = Same price as TF2 alone for PC

TF Sniper and Pyro

Orange Box for the PC = Same price as TF2 alone for PC

Alright, here is amazon’s deal of the day:

It is Orange Box for the same price ($30) as Portal, TF2, or other parts are individually. If you were contemplating picking up just TF2 for the PC, now is the time to get it, and get the other games for free.

via Cheapassgamer